Home Africa Airlines Cancel, Delay Flights as Unions Shut Entrances Over Strike Action

Airlines Cancel, Delay Flights as Unions Shut Entrances Over Strike Action

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Airlines Cancel, Delay Flights as Unions Shut Entrances Over Strike Action

LAGOS, Nigeria – Airlines have been forced to cancel and delay numerous flights as unions block entrances to airports nationwide amid ongoing strike action. The industrial action, which began early Monday, has resulted in significant disruptions to both domestic and international air travel.

Labour unions, including the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), organized the strike to protest against unresolved issues related to wage increases and working conditions. As part of their demonstration, union members have barricaded key access points to major airports, preventing passengers and airline staff from entering the facilities.

The strike has caused chaos and frustration among travelers, many of whom were left stranded at airports with limited information on rescheduled flights. “I was supposed to fly to Abuja for an important meeting, but now I’m stuck here with no idea when I can leave,” said frustrated passenger Akinola Adeyemi at Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos.

Several airlines have issued statements apologizing for the inconvenience caused and advising passengers to stay updated on flight statuses through their official channels. “We regret to inform our passengers that due to the ongoing strike action, there will be significant disruptions to our flight schedules. We are working to provide alternative arrangements as quickly as possible,” read a statement from Arik Air.

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has urged both the unions and the government to seek an immediate resolution to the dispute to minimize further disruptions. “The current situation is untenable and is causing severe hardship to travellers and the aviation industry. We call on all parties to engage in constructive dialogue to resolve the issues at hand,” said NCAA Director-General Musa Nuhu.

As the strike continues, the economic impact is becoming more apparent. The aviation sector, already reeling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, faces further financial strain due to the halted operations. Additionally, the broader economy is likely to feel the repercussions as business activities reliant on air travel are significantly hampered.

Union leaders have remained steadfast in their demands, insisting that the strike will continue until their grievances are addressed satisfactorily. “Our members are facing dire conditions, and we will not back down until the government meets our demands. This strike is a necessary step to ensure our voices are heard,” said NLC President Ayuba Wabba.

The government has expressed a willingness to negotiate, but concrete solutions have yet to be proposed. “We understand the unions’ concerns and are open to discussions to find a mutually agreeable solution. It is crucial, however, that such actions do not paralyze critical national infrastructure,” said Labour Minister Chris Ngige.

With no immediate end in sight to the strike, passengers and airlines alike brace for continued disruptions, hoping for a swift resolution that will allow normal operations to resume. The situation underscores the urgent need for effective communication and negotiation between the government and unions to prevent such widespread impacts on essential services.

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