Home Africa Egypt’s Heat Wave Slightly Breaks During Eid al-Adha

Egypt’s Heat Wave Slightly Breaks During Eid al-Adha

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Egypt's Heat Wave Slightly Breaks During Eid al-Adha

Egyptians were relieved to experience a slight decrease in temperatures during the Eid al-Adha celebrations, providing a much-needed break from the intense heat wave that had affected the country in recent weeks. This modest cooling brought relief to millions of individuals participating in the Islamic festival.

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) reported a slight temperature drop in key cities such as Cairo, Alexandria, and Aswan. Although the change was minor, it offered some relief to locals facing abnormally high temperatures.

“Temperatures have been extremely high this summer, so even a slight drop is a relief,” said Dr. Mahmoud Shaheen, Director of the Weather Forecast Department at EMA. “We are still experiencing higher-than-average temperatures, but the current weather is more bearable.”

The heat wave, which saw temperatures soaring above 40°C (104°F) in several regions, has caused widespread discomfort and posed health risks, particularly to vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those with preexisting health conditions. Authorities have been urging people to stay hydrated, avoid direct sunlight, and take necessary precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses.

During Eid al-Adha, one of the most significant Islamic festivals, families traditionally gather for prayers, feasts, and social activities. The slight break in the heat wave allowed for more comfortable outdoor gatherings and eased the physical strain on those participating in the rituals, including the sacrificial rites.

“This Eid has been challenging with the extreme heat, but the cooler weather today made our celebrations more enjoyable,” said Ahmed Hassan, a resident of Cairo. “We were able to visit family and perform the Eid prayers without the intense discomfort we’ve been feeling.”

The EMA has advised that while the current relief is welcome, the heat wave is expected to persist intermittently throughout the summer. They have recommended continued vigilance and adherence to safety measures to cope with the high temperatures.

The Ministry of Health has also been active in spreading awareness about the dangers of heatstroke and dehydration. Mobile clinics and emergency services have been on high alert to respond to any heat-related health issues during the festive period.

“We urge everyone to stay safe and take care of their health during these extreme weather conditions,” said Dr. Hala Zayed, Egypt’s Minister of Health. “Our medical teams are prepared to provide assistance, and we encourage the public to follow the guidelines issued by health and weather authorities.”

As the country continues to navigate the challenges posed by the heat wave, the slight break in temperatures during Eid al-Adha provided a momentary reprieve. The government and meteorological officials remain focused on monitoring the situation and ensuring public safety throughout the summer months.

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