Home Africa FG Intervenes in Deportation Controversy at UK Teesside University

FG Intervenes in Deportation Controversy at UK Teesside University

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FG Intervenes in Deportation Controversy at UK Teesside University

The Federal Government of Nigeria has intervened in the escalating controversy surrounding the deportation of Nigerian students from Teesside University in the United Kingdom. The move comes after reports surfaced that several Nigerian students were facing deportation due to alleged discrepancies in their visa documentation and academic enrollment statuses.

In a statement issued on Monday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed deep concern over the situation and assured affected students and their families that the Nigerian government is committed to resolving the issue. “We are closely monitoring the situation and are in active communication with UK authorities to ensure that the rights and welfare of Nigerian students are protected,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama.

The controversy began earlier this month when multiple Nigerian students reported receiving deportation notices from the UK Home Office. The students claim they have been unfairly targeted despite having valid visas and being in good academic standing. Some students have accused the university of providing insufficient support in addressing their immigration issues, further complicating the matter.

In response, Teesside University released a statement asserting that it is cooperating fully with UK immigration authorities and is committed to supporting all its international students. “We are working diligently to address any administrative errors and ensure that our students receive the assistance they need during this challenging time,” a university spokesperson said.

Nigerian diplomatic officials in the UK have also stepped in, offering consular assistance to the affected students. The Nigerian High Commission in London has set up a task force to liaise with both the students and UK authorities to facilitate a swift resolution. High Commissioner Sarafa Tunji Isola reassured the students that their cases were being taken seriously and that efforts are being made to prevent any unjust deportations.

The situation has sparked outrage among the Nigerian community in the UK and back home, with many calling for a thorough investigation into the university’s handling of international students. Social media platforms have been flooded with messages of support for the affected students, alongside demands for accountability from both the university and the UK Home Office.

As the controversy unfolds, the Nigerian government has emphasized the importance of upholding international educational agreements and the fair treatment of its citizens abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is expected to hold further discussions with UK officials to ensure that Nigerian students at Teesside University and other institutions are not subjected to undue hardship.

The outcome of these negotiations will be critical in determining the future of Nigerian students currently enrolled at Teesside University and in maintaining the strong educational ties between Nigeria and the United Kingdom.

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