Home Africa Ghana Faces Three-Week Power Outage as Gas Supply from Nigeria Reduces

Ghana Faces Three-Week Power Outage as Gas Supply from Nigeria Reduces

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Ghana Faces Three-Week Power Outage as Gas Supply from Nigeria Reduces

Ghana is bracing for a three-week power outage following a significant reduction in gas supply from Nigeria, exacerbating the country’s ongoing energy crisis. The Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo) announced that the shortfall in gas supply has forced them to implement rolling blackouts across the nation to manage the limited electricity available.

The reduced gas flow from Nigeria, which is essential for powering several thermal plants in Ghana, has been attributed to technical issues at the Nigerian gas facilities. This disruption has severely impacted electricity generation, leading to an urgent need for load shedding to prevent a complete system collapse.

“Due to unforeseen technical challenges affecting gas supplies from Nigeria, we are compelled to initiate a three-week load-shedding program to stabilize the grid,” said Ebenezer Essienyi, CEO of GRIDCo. “We understand the inconvenience this causes and are working tirelessly to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.”

The power outages are expected to follow a rotational schedule, affecting different regions at different times to ensure a fair distribution of the limited power supply. Residents and businesses have been advised to prepare for intermittent power cuts and to take necessary precautions.

This development has sparked concerns among citizens and industry leaders alike, as the power outages are anticipated to have widespread economic implications. Businesses, particularly those in the manufacturing and services sectors, are likely to face operational disruptions, leading to potential financial losses.

“The frequent power outages will severely impact our production schedules and could lead to significant losses,” said Kojo Mensah, a local manufacturing business owner. “We urge the authorities to expedite efforts to restore normalcy and find a sustainable solution to our energy challenges.”

Ghana has long relied on gas imports from Nigeria to supplement its domestic energy production, particularly for its thermal power plants. The current reduction in supply underscores the vulnerabilities in Ghana’s energy infrastructure and the need for diversification of energy sources.

In response to the crisis, the Ministry of Energy has assured the public that measures are being taken to address the shortfall and to explore alternative sources of energy. Efforts are also being made to enhance the country’s renewable energy capacity to reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels.

“We are in active discussions with our Nigerian counterparts to resolve the technical issues and restore full gas supply,” said Matthew Opoku Prempeh, Ghana’s Minister of Energy. “Additionally, we are accelerating our renewable energy projects to ensure a more resilient and sustainable energy future for Ghana.”

Meanwhile, the Ghanaian government has called for calm and cooperation from the public during this challenging period. Authorities are also working on contingency plans to mitigate the impact of the power outages on critical services such as healthcare and water supply.

“The government is committed to minimizing the impact of these outages on essential services and the daily lives of Ghanaians,” said Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah. “We appreciate the patience and understanding of the public as we navigate through this temporary challenge.”

As Ghana navigates this energy crisis, the focus remains on finding immediate and long-term solutions to ensure stable and reliable electricity supply. The situation highlights the urgent need for investment in energy infrastructure and diversification to build a more resilient power system capable of withstanding external shocks.

The next few weeks will be crucial for GRIDCo and the Ministry of Energy as they work to resolve the gas supply issues and restore normalcy. The public and businesses are advised to stay informed about the load-shedding schedules and take necessary measures to cope with the power outages.

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