Home Africa Manufacturing, Extractive Industries Production Index Falls to 95.54 Amid Raw Materials Shortage

Manufacturing, Extractive Industries Production Index Falls to 95.54 Amid Raw Materials Shortage

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Manufacturing, Extractive Industries Production Index Falls to 95.54 Amid Raw Materials Shortage

In April, Egypt’s manufacturing and extractive industries production index dropped to 95.54, a decrease of 12.61% from the previous month’s final figure of 109.33. The decline, as reported by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), underscores the sector’s persistent difficulties attributed to a scarcity of raw materials.

The manufacturing and extractive industries face challenges as indicated by the production index, excluding crude oil and petroleum products. The decrease in the index points to the negative effects of supply chain disruptions and problems in obtaining necessary raw materials on production capacity.

During the general economic decline, certain industries demonstrated strength. Specifically, Egypt’s furniture industry production index rose by 9.27 percent, reaching 147.08 in April according to CAPMAS data. This increase suggests a possible market demand change or enhanced furniture sector operational efficiencies.

Additionally, the beverage industry demonstrated substantial growth. The beverage industry index recorded a significant jump of 12.07 percent, climbing to 395.24 in April compared to March’s 352.76. This increase points to a robust performance in beverage production, possibly driven by heightened consumer demand or successful market strategies.

Overall, the mixed performance across different sectors underscores the complex dynamics within Egypt’s manufacturing and extractive industries. While some industries manage to thrive, the overall decline in the production index reflects the urgent need to address raw material shortages and stabilize supply chains to support broader economic growth.

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